Language based conditions in Bricks Builder
Shortly after creating this video, the Bricks Builder team released an update that included an API for adding custom conditions to the builder. In no time, developers of Bricks extensions such as Bricks Extras and Bricksforge added language conditions to their products. But if you…
Read the blog postHow to Load a Template Site-wide with Bricks Builder
Support our content If you find the tutorial helpful, you think that the work that I do is important and want to support my channel so I can keep creating content, or even create tutorials more often, please consider a contribution via Buy Me a…
Read the blog postWeb design process in Ubuntu Productions
Introduction If you are here, you probably already know that we build websites that are simple, modern, easy to navigate, easy to update, fast to load, secure and perfectly adapted to mobile devices 🤘🏼 To create a website for your business that combines all of…
Read the blog postHow to unload a background video on a smaller breakpoint
Every now and then one of our web development projects requires the use of a background video, typically in the hero section. Although background videos, when implemented and optimised correctly, can effectively communicate a desired message or mood in a matter of seconds, it is…
Read the blog postSkärihub: Gemensamma utrymmen för distansarbete i skärgården
Distansarbete håller på att bli verklighet för många anställda och företagare. Möjligheten att arbeta hemifrån eller på något annat ställe borta från den traditionella arbetsplatsen blir mer och mer attraktivt, särskilt efter covid-pandemin. Samtidigt som möjligheten att arbeta hemifrån har många fördelar, kan det ibland…
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