Language based conditions in Bricks Builder

Aarón Blanco Tejedor

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Shortly after creating this video, the Bricks Builder team released an update that included an API for adding custom conditions to the builder. In no time, developers of Bricks extensions such as Bricks Extras and Bricksforge added language conditions to their products. But if you don’t own any of them and want to learn how to create Language Basic conditions natively inside Bricks Builder, keep reading! 🤗

In this video tutorial, I will show you how to hide or show different parts of your pages using language based conditions in Bricks Builder. This tutorial is part of our YouTube playlist called “Bricks Builder Basics,” where you will find a series of videos on how to accomplish the most basic tasks using our favourite WordPress builder.

Language based conditions allow you to dynamically show or hide content on your website based on the user’s language preferences.

This is a step-by-step tutorial, but from 1:56 to 2:26 you have the very fast version in case you are familiarized with Bricks and you don’t want to see the slow paced version coming just after it 🪄

Text version of the tutorial

If you prefer a text version of the tutorial, simply follow the steps outlined below to load the template sitewide with Bricks Builder.

Language based conditions in Bricks Builder
  1. Select the section or element in the page that you want to hide or show conditionally
  2. In the first field choose “dynamic data”
  3. In the second field use the tag { echo:get_locale } (without the spaces between the brackets and the text)
  4. In the following field you will choose “==” if you want the element to be shown when the language condition is met, or “!=” if you want the element to be shown when the language that the user has selected is different than the one of the condition you are creating.
  5. Finally add the language code of the language that you want to use in the condition. You can normally find this code inside the language plugin that you are using in your webpage.

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